1.17.0 – Effects, Animations, 3D Sounds, and Much Much More !

Hello Players !

We are very happy to release this update! We are very worked this last days to add, improve and fixes bugs!

Added Animations, Effects and 3D Sounds

Now, all Buildings and Units have Animations, Sounds effets, and Visual Effects on die, critical health effects or on Fire effects.

We are very worked on Game Visual with Yevons that had get some time! But now we are soo Happy to Play and see result.

New Planets Generation!

We have reworked the generation system to generate Pretty planets and changed all textures!

Also, now a Day/Night cycle system have been added and you can see Sun in the Sky! We have also changed all Skybox to fit with all planets type.

Warning: You current planet can be partially damaged. We recommand you to travel to a newly planet.

New Settings on the Menu

You can set your Mouse Sensitivity and your Quality settings to fit like you want!

And more, more above…

We let you see the Full Changelog above ! 🙂

Thanks for Playing and Reading,

Best Regards


Full Changelog

+ Added new player animations

+ Added all ship engine Effects

+ Added same animations to all human entities

+ Added Effects to some entities on Critical Health (like fire on buildings)

+ Added all entities Die effect

+ Added some On Fire effects to Units

+ Added Sounds to these effects

+ Added 3D Sounds with Distance attenuation

+ Animations is now synced on the network

+ Added new planet generation (Prettyyyy)

+ Added new planets textures

+ Added new Sky for each planets type

+ Added Day/Night Cycle with Sun effect

+ Added new settings Quality Setting (5 from Very Low to Ultra))

+ Added modern and futur Dealership buildings/researchs

— Added some Modern and Futur vehicle for players!

+ Added units selection UI

+ Added can Kill your selected units

+ Added mouse sensitivity Settings in Menu

+ Added decoration and invisible ground on water planets

+ Added Level system to Ship Editor (to make stage)

+ Added Teleporter to Space Ship Editor

– Deleted Weapons on Wall (all age)

– Removed Player Space Rocket

* Rebalanced units speed

* Rebalanced Animals health

* Rebalanced damage of units

* Very Improved Fit Terrain system and Road system

* Number of Grass on Habitable planets depend now of your Quality Settings

* Aliens can now spawn more when you evolve on the game

* Improved Lights on Road

* Improved player Jump

* Improved chat info text on login

* Set player speed to 3.5m/s

* Enabled realtime lights on planets scene

* Bear,Crocodile and Spider now auto attack enemies in radius

* Fixed bugs and improved Road System

* Fixed bugs and improved Fit Terrain system. Now all buildings align its Y coordinate to road that it attach.

* Changed upgrade buildings cost to be more logic

* Creating units in buildings queue is now saved if you disconnect, for the next time

* Small FPS improvements on Player Space Ship

* Small fixe on Player health UI

* Fixed a bug on Hunger Max/Min

* Fixed ship units size and speed

* Fixed units not spawning in space

* Fixed vehicle Triggers to enter in

* Fixed player stuck when controled vehicle die

* Fixed can spawn on top of a planet when go to orbit

* Fixed selection units not responding if has die entity selected

* Fixed UI Respawn panel text

* Fixed units attack Player if it’s or not ally

* Fixed medieval wall door not spawning / preview not showing

* Fixed Medieval wall grid

* Fixed space iron mine

* Fixed Antimatter Mine/Production not spawning

* Fixed Antimatter researchs categories

* Fixed futur parking

* Fixed Medieval mine collider on ladder causing wrong terrain fit

* Fixed Earth Shipyard

* Fixed Air Transport and Silent Aircraft collider cause can’t control it

* Small fixes

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